How to Edit Computer Tips
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The Penticton Seniors' Computer Club webpages include pages which include tips for seniors using computers. These are provided by the volunteer computer club instructors and members. These tip pages can be accessed by anyone browsing the centre's webpages by clicking on the item Computer Tips on the homepage. The instructors and members can add tip pages, update them or delete them at any time just using their regular web browser

The following steps show how a tip page can be added, updated or deleted.

Steps for Adding a Tips Page

  1. In order to add, update or delete a tip page, the instructor must know the codeword and password to use. The codeword is simply the first letter of the instructor's given name followed by the first three letters of his or her surname followed by a three-digit number. For example, Mary Smith's third tip page would have the codeword


  2. The password will be given to each instructor by the computer club member responsible for the webpages.

  3. Access the Tips Index webpage. You can do this be accessing the computer club's webpage at

    and then clicking on Computer Tips item in the directory at the left side of the page.

  4. Notice the list of current tip pages. Each starts with the codename for the tips page (eg, msmi003) followed by the title of the tips page.

  5. Scroll down to the very bottom of the webpage. Notice that there are two text boxes on either side of a very narrow, unlabelled button.

  6. In the first text box type the codeword for the tips page that you wish to change or if you wish to add a new tips page, type in a new codeword (made up as above with the letters from your name but with a different number). In the second text box type your password. Click on the narrow button.

  7. If your codeword and password were correct, you should be presented with a page labelled Olga and

        Editing the Tips Page HPTIPxxxxnnn.

    where xxxxnnn is the codeword. Below this are two text boxes--one for the title of the tip and one for the text that you are going to update. If this is a new tips page, then these will both be blank. Otherwise they will contain the current text for the tip.

  8. Make any changes, additions and/or deletions to the title and text in the textboxes. Notice that the text is formatted for the webpage by using HTML tags. The list below shows the commons ones to use:

    • <br> - go to a new line
    • <p> - go to a new line after leaving a blank line
    • <hr> - go to a new line after drawing a line
    • <b> ... </b> - make the text between the tags bold
    • <i> ... </i> - make the text between the tags italic
    • <font size=3 color='c'> ... </font> - make the text between the tags have the size and colour indicated

        use size from 1 to 7 and some colour such as 'red', 'blue', 'violet', 'black' etc. (use single quotes)

  9. When you have added or completed the changes in the title and text, click on the Save Page button. A webpage will be presented indicating that your page has been saved. Click on either the Back to Edit or Back to Page button. Use the former if you may wish to make further changes. Use the latter if you just wish to view the pages with the changes. (NOTE: when you view the page again, your browser will simply re-display the old page with the old message. To get the browser to re-load the webpage from the web server to show the changes, you will need to click on the Refresh button (Internet Explorer) or the Reload button (Navigator).

  10. Once you have made all the changes needed, click on the Home button or go to whatever other webpage you wish to view, or shut down your browser.

  11. If you have any problems with this procedure, contact Doug van Vianen at

© 2005 Penticton Seniors Computer Club